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10:29 a.m. - 2006-06-18
I've been given hope by a situation a friend of mine is goign through.
Only problem is I have to wait. If waht I hope for will come true it needs time. And I'm very impatient. Who knows maybe I'm focusing on the wrong thing and that is actually killing time for the right thing. But I'm not sure. Lately my potential right thing hasn't seemed so right and my potential wrong thing has taken over my life. If it were so wrong would though, would it feel so right? Right enough for to fight for it the way I have been.
Whoever Mr. Right is, it's gonna take time before I can be with either of them. I hate that. I hate waiting. I want what I want now. But I have to. My problem is what do I do to kill that time?
Things happen for a reason. All this hell I've been goign through the past few months will probably reveal itself to have had a purpose sometime in the future.
I don't know. For now all I can do is swallow my instincts. Trust that he's not gonna break the promise he made to me and wait. Time will reveal if he's a man of his word again or not, and if he's not maybe I should just leave it. Is it worth having a relationship with soemone you can't trust?
Maybe I'll see that time had led me to be able to trust the other again. And he and I can start something wonderful. Who knows?
Time is the solution. Not the solution I want. Or the solution I think I can accept, but I know it's what's needed.

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