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10:30 a.m. - 2006-06-19
The good the bad and the random
Some things gets better every day and some gets worse. Good news, my mom is getting all of her cats back, she's moving to Florida, whihc is awesome because I hate DC, I just found out that I don't have to go home for 2 months to work because my mom has now disowned her family and my aunt got me the job, so I can spend more time in Tallahassee yay! Jacob and I have been getting along splendidly, well kind of, I mean we're gonna argue, but its at a minimum now. We sleep together every night, no questions about it and I love that. So yeah those things are good.
Bad things. School. Trust issues caused by a certain skank. Financial problems, becasue I'm too unmotivated to do the whole MK thing. Oh and I hate the fact that Jacob is moving out in like a month.
I think I've figured out why this whole jacob thing was such a big deal to me. I mean we did live together for 2 years, that's pretty serious. even though we have our own rooms we shared a bed every night, we did things together like a married couple kind of sort of. We went grocery shopping together, we cooked together, we used to hang out with the same people until those AMC kids came into play. We took classes together, we did projects together, we included each other in our plans for the future. Our lives were pretty intertwined. And that doesn't even go into all the personal intimate things we shared. I didn't realize it but he was a huge part of my life, and I'm not gonna just let it all go for something stupid.
well anyway, Random thought of the day: Being naked is fun. I had forgotten how much I enjoy just being naked. I used to do it all the time when I lived with kersten, but haven't in a while. I think I'm gonna start at least sleeping naked again from now on.

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