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11:09 p.m. - 2006-06-10
Some of my friends really suck
I guess I'm just gonna have to cut back on drinking becasue I've decided I don't like Michelle anymore. That's right my best friend Michelle. I'm so mad at her right now. We were supposed to go to Mara's party together tonight and instead she gets piss ass drunk at Lindsey's then passes out at Mel's. So now I haev to go somewhere all by myself where I know noone except the b-day girl who obviously i can't hang around with all night becasue she's the b-day girl.
And I'm probably just writing this out of drunken, well actually just buzzed anger, and I'll retract it tomorrow, but right now its how I feel. I know its kind of selfish on my part becasue she does hangout with me almost every night, but seriously don't ditch me to hang out with other people and then because you did that not go through with something you said you'd do with me. Especially something that involves me being with a bunch of strangers all by myself. Yes I'm good at meeting people, but only when i have a definate friend in my corner in case I get rejected. I don't like being abandoned and I feel that way now. This fricken sucks. Waht the hell am I supposed to do? Hang out with people I don't know to have a party Saturday night or just not do anything tonight, maybe just hang out with Jacob when he gets home, which won't be for several hours. Damn his work. I am seriously so frustrated now. She knows I don't like goign strange places by myself. I made that clear to her lst ngiht. I know she can't help it becasue she's a drunkard. Its just what she does. But still it sucks and really angers me. I mean it angers me enough to write semi bad stuff about one of my best friends and to feel right now like I don't want to talk to her ever again.
I would so miss her though, whihc is why I know this really is just stupid drunken rambling, but I'm allowed.
Michelle if you read this and we're friends don't be upset, I'm just really mad at you right now 'cause you kind of ruined my night. But I love you anyway. And if for some reason I hold this grudge longer than I anticipate and we aren't friends when you read it you suck.

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