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03:11 a.m. - 2006-06-13
Slip & slide fun and then back to normal

Tonight was fun. There was slip and slide becasue of the hurricane. I made up with Michelle and Mel. Which is good. They felt horrible about the whole situation. And i feel better becasue apparently that night Michelle ruined her life. Don't want ton go into details, but lets say that'll teach her to abandon me. Oh and by the way Kersten I never felt abandoned by you, you're my best friend forever, and I know youdecision to stay where you are will probably be better for you, I just miss you so fricken much.

Okay, so do you know what the weirdest thing in the world is that I haven't experienced for a long time but did tonight? That awkaward goodbye between poeple who obviously love each other but haven't wuite said it yet. And its like should we hug or not, and you compromise on a pathetic handshake. Man you guys, just thinking of it makes me tingle, and get all warm and fuzzy inside. I really love him.

So moving on, Joe is getting really hot again. I mean don't get me wrong, I think he's always hot, outstanding muscles or not, but he's getting his muscles back and I remember at one point during the slip and slide seeing him all lathered up and shiny and seing his muscles stand out and thinking "man I need to stay away form him before I try to rape him again and ruin our friendship." Which by the way, I love. Joe is serisouly an awesome person to be friends with, I have so much fun jsut talking to him. I need to start hanging out with him more often like I used to.

Moving on, things with me andyou know who are pretty much dead. Who knows, maybe it will ahppen one day, maybe one day soon, but now's jsut not the tiem, especially with us being so far away from each other. Feelings left unresolved suck.

So, I guess that's that for now. Michelle is my best friend again, I think Joe is super hot and want to rape him, I miss my bff Kersten and can't wait to see her, college students having crazy fun on a school night. Yeha things are pretty much back to normal now.

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