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2:23 a.m. - 2/16/2003
Catching Up
I'm 20 now. On February 11, 2003, I officialy made the switch from being a teenager to a young adult. It was Danny's b-day too and he was being a party pooper becasue he turned 25 and is old.

I had a wild night on my birthday. We (me, Danny, Kersten, Jenn, and Melisa) went to Fat Tuesdays and Jenn and I pimped so many guys there it's rediculous. I got totally trashed and ended up having a wild experience with Kersten and three guys form the club. The moral of the story? Finishing off a bottle of ciclon with one other person can lead to troublesome fun, and lead to some regrets the next morning. But at least I had fun.

And I suppose that's the reason why I didn't learn from my mistake and finished off another bottle of ciclon wiht only Kersten on friday night. We went to Sloppy Joe's with Danny, and it was fun. The we went to Royal Pavillion, where my wonderful roommate tempted me with shots of vodka that I just couldn't refuse, so between that,the ciclon, and smoking a little weed, I was totally trashed, more so than I've ever been. I don't even really remember most of the night. Apparently I threw up a lot, I left my shoes in the parking lot, I fell asleep sitting up in an uncomfortable chair, and I was rambling incoherently.

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