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2:24 a.m. - 7/13/2003
My First Night Back
Well I don't remember most of it, but it was pretty wild. Let's see, on the plane and in the airport I was casually drinking vodka out of a water bottle, then when we got back to the apartment I drank a ton of beer, so yeah I was really really fucked up. Before my memory loss, I remember playing a card game with Tiffany, Jen, Renee, Mario, Shane, Jenn and Kersten. I also remember Hottie Colin and Bobby stopping by. Then the next thing I remember is having sex with Mario. I don't know how I got to that point from playing cards, but I did. Twice apparently, which is weird becasue I have had no previous attraction to him, and becasue I promised myself that I would remain faithful to my boyfriend, who I really do love more than life itself, in spite of my slip ups. Anyway, I really wish I remembered what the sex was like.This is really gonna bother me. But anyway, aparently a lot more happened that night, I was naked, I yelled at some people who live upstairs, I met people some new people.... But I can't go into detail about them becasue I really don't remember. It really sucks, becasue from what I hear it was a fun night...but oh well. The morning after I woke up naked with no recollection of when I went to bed....It's good to be back in Tallahassee.

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