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7:37 a.m. - 4/25/2006
Talk about weird
Isn't it weird how things end up?
I just found out a few day ago that Jenn, of the former LeaKerJen has a baby. Her and Ricky are married and have a six month old girl. I'm just in awe
If anyone wants to understand my awe factor, read my old entries about the army guys. Yes, that 's right, ricky was one of those army guys from our crazy days. I'm really happy for them, and kind of jealous that I'll probably never have what they have, but its just weird. I mean Kersten and Robby being together is weird enough, since they also met during those wild days, and Jenn liked robby first.
Its kind of sad, that mine is the only relationship formed at that time that ddin't last. It's like my best friends went and grew up and I'm still stuck in stupid college mode. But I'm not really. I want to ahve what they have, I just need to find someone who can understand me.
When I was in high school, and my first year of college, before me and duffie started having all the drama, I so thought I would be where Jenn is by this age. 23 with a husband and baby. but instead I'm 23, with an ex boyfriend with a lot of baggage, still in college, bumming around and drinking and partying all the time. I am glad that I got in touch with Jenn though. I was kind of angry and bitter about the way that she just dropped off the face of the planet without so much as a call to the people who were supposed to be her best friends, but I'm glad to see her life is so happy. At one point I really did consider her my best friend. I remember certain serious things that I would feel more comfortable telling her first than Kersten and how supportive she was of me during that time. But now I'm glad have my Lima Frijole Kersten, and Michelle, to hang out with and they're great friends and fun.

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