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8:05 a.m. - 6/17/2003
I'm just having problems all around. Money problems, boyfriend problems, family problems, friend problems, and probably some more that I can't think of right now.

So in today's chapter of the mini drama that is my life, my mother agreed to let me go back to Tallahasse, if I paid for my ticket. She didn't expect me to agree to that, but I did, and as a result after I pay my July rent I am going to be completely broke. I desparately need a job, and I really should stay here now that I've been offered a job at HUD, but I can't stand it here. I've been here for too long. Hopefully I can get a job in Florida, but it won't pay nearly as well as HUD. Why can't things work out for me?

Life is so annoying sometimes.

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