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8:04 a.m. - 12/15/2002
Going home
So, I'm leaving to go home tomorrow night at 8 and I have absolutly no desire to go.

I guess it'll be nice to see the MCRG and party with them, and I guess seeing some members of my family will be fine, but I could really go home on the 20th and come back on the 2nd and be perfectly content. In fact if Jasmine's b-day weren't on the 20th then I could wait until the 22nd and be home jsut a little over a week.

The only reason why I would have wanted to be home for so long is to work or to be able to see Duffie, and well from the looks of it I won't be doing either. I might see Duffie, but who knows what's goign on with him. And I'm not working. I would much rather stay here and hang out with Kersten and Ellyn. although I mist admit these past 2 days has been weird becasue they've got theri boyfirends here and I'm like a fifth wheel, becasue my boyfriend is a shithead. But whatever.

I'm so sad to leave this place. I'm gonna be bored out of my friggin mind when I go home, and I'm gonna have to put up wiht my mother and her resentment towards me. I hope the MCRG is more entertaining than I'm expecting them to be. Don't get me wrong, I love everyone of them to death, but our parties always have the same people, and I've grown accustomed to meeting new people at wild parties. But last year's New Year's Eve party was a blast, so hopefully ti will be again. P>

I cna't wait until I come back though because it'll be the first week of the semester so every one will be partying becasue school hasn't gotten that serious yet.

If it weren't for working at HUD and making money I would seriously stay here over the summer, and do a summer session. Actually, I think I might. The first summer session ends like June 20th and I think the next week is around the week I started working last year. I'm definitely gonna look into that becasue a summer session is required anyway and that way I can be caught up credit wise and be officially a Junior when I start next Fall.

Well anyway, I need to pack and stuff.

I guess in a way I am looking forward to goign home and hanging out with the MCRG, I think the main thing making me dread this trip is the Duffie thing and the situation wiht my mother. When I go out and party here I can completely forget about him, and I've got guys hanging all over me. It's not gonna be the same at home because all the guys i'll hang out with will be my friends.

I wish things would just work out between the two of us. He is the source of more of my problems than anything else. I hate myself for loving him so much.

Okay, now on to packing, and hoping that my visit home isn't as disappointing as I think it mgiht end up being.

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