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7:39 a.m. - 2006-08-21

I need to get rid of all forms of negativity in my life, becasue it really brings me down.

I've been doing very well in terms of my depression. Despite all the shit that has happened to me I've managed to fight off any thoughts of depression and hopelessness. But when I'm surrounded by someone else's negative energy it brings me down.

So from now on when someone's having a bad day, I'm going to stay clear of them. Unless of course they are like me and know how to not take out the fact that they are having a bad day by getting an attitude with other people.

Today a friend was having a not so good day, and I had no desire to talk to this person becasue they had an attitude when I tried ot talk to them. Their negative attitude made me feel annoyed and frustrated and started to bring down my mood, which just sucks. SO from now on when this person is in a mood, I'm steering clear, and the same goes for anyone else who feels the need to bring others down with them when they're in a mood.

Now moving on to a more positve topic.

I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving. Not becaseu I miss my friends or family or Washington DC, but becaseu I miss food. I am so sick of living off of frozen foods, fast food, and grilled cheese sandwhiches. Sure it will be nice to be home again and I do miss my family and friedns, but as a poor starving college student my top priority is a nice home cooked meal. I'm also looking forward to seeing Jasmine and TJ. They just moved in with my grandmother right after I left to go to school. With them living there it's like having another brother and a sister. Jasmine is really looking forward to seeing me. She looks up to me like I'm her big sister and I know this sounds super cheesy, but it's a good feeling to have, knowing that someone looks up to you.

Larry and I have been getting along pretty well since I've been gone, but I know that when I get home we're not goign to get along. Whe we don't have to see each otehr and jsut talk to each other online or on the phone, people would think that we had this really close relationship and that we hung out together and talked to each other all the time, but whe I'm home we never get along. Oh well.

I also miss my cats. I miss having a pet so much. I have a ton of pictures of them (Mainly Marsy)on my wall. I wish that I could have a cat here.

Anyway, it will be nice to see all of my family again, and see my friends who actually make it home for Thanksgiving again, and to just see DC again. How I miss the public transportation there. Tallahassee's public trnsportation sucks. The buses only run every hour and are always late, and they stop running at like 8. I also miss having the oppertunity to choose between several malls when I want to go shopping. But that's it. I don't miss the cold weather, or the cost of clubs, or the boredom that comes from not having anything to do, and I definitely don't miss getting harrassed by ghetto guys everytime I go outside. Sure I get harrassed on occassion by guys here, but not nealry as much as I did there. In DC they're everywhere, here if I steer clear of the FAMU students I'm good.

Since I'm on the subject, let's talk about something that jsut boggles my mind. Why is it that the ugliest nastiest looking guys who would never stand a chance with me no matter how drunk I get are always the msot persistent? That is so annoying, and not only are they the most persistent, they're also the ones that come on to you in the most disrespectful ways. You'd think that someone that ugly would have a nice approach. it's so annoying. If I get hit on by one more ugly, nappy headed, gold toothed, ignorant, ghetto, direspectful individual, I'm going to go crazy.

Let's flash back to not last weekend, but the one before that, the all night Keg party weekend. Okay, these annoying FAMU guys came over and no one especially me wanted them there. They kept trying to hit on me, and of course being ugly, and a couple of the having gold teeth, they approached me in the most distasteful ways. They couldn't take the hint that I didn't want them. The fact that I pretended to be a lesbian and with Kersten when they were hitting on me and that I was all over some of the other guys who were there just didn't get through to them. It was so annoying. SO when they finally did leave, guess what they did. They stole my cell phone, becasue they were pissed off about the fact that they didn't get any from me. In order to get it back I had to be very tricky and pretend like I was going to hook up with one of them, to get him to admit that they took it, then threaten to call the police on him if he didn't give it back. I swear the things I have to put up with sometimes.

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