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10:03 p.m. - 2006-06-08
A good day
Life is good.
Aside from a little rough patch I had earlier, today was areally good day. I hung out with Michelle and Melissa and it seems like i haven't seen them in forever, although its only been a few days. Will made a delicios dinner for us. Me and Jacob had lunch together and had a "groundbreaking conversation" so he says, and then some fun in the bathroom while I was trying to tape down my boobs (yeah I know impossible right). The only thing that sucks is that I spent more money than I would have liked to and I have a test tomorrow. One that I should have taken last Friday, or Tuesday, or today, but I've put it off as long as possible, becasue this school thing just isn't appealing to me right now. I'll be glad when its over tomorrow, then I can have fun with my friends worry free, just in time for the weekend. I'm glad that I've also found out that I can have tons of fun with them when they're getting trashed and I'm not drinking, like tonight. Its fun to make fun of the drunkards.
I hope things stay the way they are right now. Not too many worries, everything goign pretty much the way I want it to go.

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