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9:56 a.m. - 2006-06-07
lots of good stuff

Well first things frist. I'm so excited, Kersten is moving back to Tally. If things go as we'd like them to me, her and Michelle will be living together. It will be so much fun. Kind of like a more grown up version of the Leakerjen days.
Yesterday I got my unofficial formal offer for my job this summer. Its unofficial because I haven't sent them my transcript yet, but since I've worked there before they offered it to me anyway. I'm kind of excited about the money there because I'll be a GS5 so I'm moviing up from $13/h to $15/h, so thats like over $4000 for the summer. And then once I graduate if I decide to take their offer my starting rate will be at least $50,000 a year but probably more because of my experience. Anyway moving on from boring work stuff.
last night was great! The deal is off but he still wants to be with me. HE told me he loved me and that he was stupid to put me through all that skank drama. He told me he couldn't see himself with anyone else. And he admitted he was using her to piss me off, to make me show that I do care, which is something I wasn't so good at last time around. Job well done. SO right now everything is great. The romance is great, the sex is great, the friendship is great, and our agreement on the situation is great. I love sleeping with his arms wrapped around me, and being awakened in the middle of the night to passionate kisses.
Man when Jacob starts soemthing, he goes all the way, actually making me and her think he wanted to date her. He saidhe was just goign to for like a month tops to really piss me off because I hurt him so much, but then he was goign to come back to me. He's like "did you really think I wanted anything serious with her? Look at her, she's everything I don't want in a relationship. The total opposite of you." And I'm like "I tried to tell that skank that but you really had her fooled." He's not too happy that I told her that but whatever. Anyway I'm glad I didn't have to deal with that disaterous dateship for long.
Things happen for a reason and while some might view my current state as a curse, I view it as a blessing in disguise. It brought true loves back to each other. I'm not sure what I'm goign to do abou the situation with you know who, though. I think he was really pumped about the idea of "us" again. And there will always be a place in my heart for him, but I guess some things just aren't meant to be. I hope we can sill be friends though. I've really enjoyed his friendship the past few weeks.

Oh and friends of skank who are reading this for whatever reason, you should tell your stupid friend to move on with her life, and I don't know all the details of some stupid compromise she made with him, but he's not abiding by it. Tell her to go be used by some other girl's boyfriend since she refuses to gain any self respect and stop allowing herself to be used, and just go find somebody who really wants her. If she wants to make a career out of being the other woman let her. And tell her that I don't give a shit how I look or make her look to the rest of the world. I just care about how I look to Jacob and my friends, and they all see me for the wonderful person I am and her for the nasty skanky trash that she is.

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