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11:44 a.m. - 02/08/2007
Weekend in tally
It just occurred to me that I never wrote about my weekend trip to Tallahassee. It was lots of fun. And Michelle actually came to visit also, so it was great seeing her again! I really wish I could have stayed longer. I miss my freinds there so much, it wasn't nearly enough time.
So lets see on Friday night I went to BW3 with Mel, Jenna, Lindsey, Michelle, and Josh. I got long islands and got super trashed of course, and the bartender gave us crazy discounts. I had 3 drinks and 2 or 3 shots and she only charged me for one of each. After that everyone else went home but I met up with Tiffany at Clyde's. When I finally stumbled back to my apartement it occurred to me that I had left my bags at Mel's, and everyone at the apt was sleeping, so I had to sleep on the couch without blankets or pillows wearing the skanky clothes i wore to the club. I got cold sometime during the night and found a peice of fabric in the living room that william got for painting and used that to cover myself with. I felt and looked homeless. lol. Oh and we also got a new roommate for jacob's room. It was weird seeing someone in there after everything I had experienced in that room.
Anyway, moving on, the next night I was supposed to go to the movies with Joe and yolanda, but Joe decided not to go, so I went to Bullwinkle's with Tiffany. I got really really drunk. After Bulls we went back to my apartment, where aparently I harassed William who was trying to sleep because he was drugged up on account of the hole in his hand (eww). Then I had a drunken conversation with my new roommate (great first impression right lol) and then me and Tiffany went to this party. I don't really remember what exactly happened at the party, all I know is that one minute I'm talking to tiffany and the next minute i'm having sex with this guy in the bathroom. I ended up going home wiht him which I kind of regret. It was so weird to wake up naked in a strange guy's bed and have to ask him to take you home. Back in my younger days when drunken rendezvous such as this were a common occurence I would always bring the guy back to my place.

So on Sunday, I went to pick up my kitten. She is so adorable and has completely adapted to her new home already. My mom and I named her Ginger b/c she looks like our cat Ginger who died, but my brother calls her desdemona.
After that me, William, Mara, her boyfriend, Michelle, and Josh went to dinner at Olive Garden and then to see Pans Labyrinth. It was a nice little outing. Joe was supposed to meet us for the movie but didn't show up, which sucked b/c I hadn't seen him all weekend. But after the movie I went over to his apartmetn and we watched a movie and had wine, and talked until 4 in the morning just like we used to.

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