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Currently listening to: suffer for fashion - of montreal

Current Mood: tickled

3:56 p.m. - 05/23/2007
A little bit of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day
You know isn't it funny how something so small like a simple conversation can brighten up your day. I was having a generally crappy day. Well not really, nothing bad happened or anything other than a minor disagreement with my mom. I was just in kind of a crappy mood since I hate work and would much rather be anywhere but here and because of all that i just thought you should know drama. I just felt like there was this huge cloud hanging over my head.
Well anyway I just called Joe to give him some info on someone who works at PTO who he can talk to about the what to expect from the job and that short conversation which he spent most of convincing me to rent twin peaks just brihgtened up my day. I think it was a combination of my excitement about the fact that the time is getting closer for him to move here (start date Aug. 6th), he's planning a visit at the end of june to look at apartments and stuff before he goes to Japan, and the fact that he comes up wiht these 'lee' names for me I swear every time I talk to him its a different one and he ended the conversation calling me "sobieski" "LEE harvey oswald", and "LEvi strauss." It just made me laugh at a moment when I really needed a laugh.
But anyway now I have to get back to counting down the minutes until I can escape the hellhole that is my job.

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