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Currently listening to: Konstantine - Something Corporate

Current Mood: Trapped

8:17 a.m. - 05/24/2007
I used to be an idealist
You know what sucks? Being in a place in your life where you have no obligations or responsibilities to tie you down, where you can come and go as you please, do wahtever you want whenever you want, travel to wherever you want, live wherever you want and not taking advantage of it. Then when you finally decide its time to take advantage of it, when something so right comes along that would make you want to give up your life and just up and start another one, it's too late because something just happened to tie you down to the life you currently have. It sucks being stuck. It sucks not being able to follow your dreams and your heart. It sucks coming to the realization that you're getting to old to be an idealist and that the time has come for you to be a realist.

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