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Currently listening to: dirty little secret

Current Mood: drunk and annoyed

11:12 p.m. - 05/27/2007
i want a date to kings dominion damnit!
Love sucks and couples suck and all that other stuff. First of all how is it possible that I have 2 men in my life plus a secret admirer ( that's right, apparently someone at Local 16 secretly admires me, trisha won't tell me who he is thouh) and Im the only one who won't have a date to kings dominion next week. Secondly why can't i feel the type of passion for the man i'm supposed to marry that I feel for the man I'm seeing on the side. Why does the guy on the side make my heart skip a beat. Why does he make me want to do anything for him when the guy i'm supposed to be with would do anything for me. Well this was just some drunken rambling and I'[ll stop now and write a more coeret blog when i et back to work on wed and have some free time.

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