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Currently listening to: I woke up in a car - something corporate

Current Mood: busy

9:46 a.m. - 07/31/2007
taking a break form the endless sack of work on my desk
I know I'm gonna kick myself later for taking time out of my work to write a blog when I have so much work piled up to finish this week, but I just can't focus anymore. I desperately need a break from all these damn numbers.

So yesterday my phone got cut off because I didn't pay the bill on time because it was $250 over, which I didn't have. I was trying to keep it from my mom because I just knew she'd bite my head off about being irresponsible and wasting money but surprisingly she didn't. She was pretty cool about it and took a whatever attitude. I hopeto have it back on tomorrow.

Oh and my stupid ipod is broken again. Hopefully it's just being temperamental and after a week it will magicaly start working again like last time, but I'm really worried that I'm gonna lose all my music. I don't know why I doidn't back it up last time this happened.

Yesterday I had to stay home from work to wait on a package since my brother for some reason doesn't answer the door whne He's home all day for the UPS people. It sucked because they didn't come til 3 so there was no point in me goign into work that late, but I have so much to do that I really needed that day.

I was browsing through the files on my computer the other day and I found this story that i started writing a while back and it made me remember that I'm a pretty good writer. So I'm gonna try to start writing again even though my busy work schedule prevents it. It sucks to not have time to do the things you are passionate about anymore. I ahte the fact that I sold out. I went to college and majored in creative writing because I love writing and I wanted to make a carreer of it, and now what do I do for a living? Accounting work. I'm also passionate about the whole animal thing which was another major of mine, but again, aside from a couple hours a week at the zoo I'm doing accounting work.

Speaking of the whole animal thing did I mention that I'm putting off my master's in wildlife conservation to become a certified vet tech. I'm doing this for a couple of reasons. The obvious one being that it will qualify me to work at vet's offices and give me the experience I need to actully break into the feild. Another reason why I'm doing it is because I have recentl learned that there is absolutely positively no money in wildlife conservation. So while I still feel passionately about it and want to focus on it, I plan on making my living the way I originally wanted to as a behavioral analyst. And again becoming a certified vet tech will give me experience working in animal hospitals, and give me the oppertunity to network with the types of people I need to meet in that feild. Eventually I'll reach my carreer goals. I'm determined and at least I'm actually looking into what exactly I need to do to reach those goals and making strides to get there.

Speaking of my career goals, let me just say that I absolutely love working at the zoo. And tracking the behavior is becoming a lot easier for me. I don't even have to think about it to tell them apart anymore, I just know who is who. And when scan time comes, I don't have to think about what each behavior is anymore, it''s just natural, and I instantly recognize the long calls now which I used to struggle with. It's so much fun. The time passes by so quickly when I'm there because I enjoy it so much.

Moving on to totally different stuff. I hung out with my best friend from elementary school on Friday night. It was fun seeing her again. We found each other on myspace. She is still as wild and crazy as ever, and now I've kind of caught up to her. We used to be total opposites, I was the quiet, calm, straight a student, who never got into trouble, and she was the wild crazy one who would cheat off of me and always be in trouble. And now we're pretty much the same. It's crazy though because she has a baby and is about to get married. (she's one of the reasons my biological clock started ticking away)

Let's see what else? Oh I'm going to Disney World next week with Jasmine, TJ and Tajuana. I kind of don'tn want to go anymore, especially with things being so crazy at work, but i guess a vacation will do me some good. And then when I get back it will be the week that Joe moves here, which I am really excited about, even though he hasn't bothered to send me any messages since he's been in japan other than to ask me if me and duffie were getting married. But anyway i digress, I can't wait til I get to see him on a regular basis again. Oh one more thing. I can't wait to go back to Tampa the first week in September. It's pretty terrible though because the more I visit, the more I fall in love with him and I shouldn't be falling in love with him becuase we can't be together. He's the only person who I just can't stay mad at no matter what he does. And he always makes me laugh and although we can have some very different interests some of them are the same and it's always nice when we realize that there's actually something that both of us can agree on. He's also probably the only person who I actually enjoy sitting around doing absolutly nothing with. Yeah I complain about him never wanting to leave the house, but in actuality I just enjoy his company no matter what we're doing.
Anyway I guess I should get back to work now so that's all.

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