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Currently listening to: P.I.M.P

Current Mood: slightly hungover

7:38 a.m. - 08/01/2007
Sex Superlatives
So yesterday I went to a concert with Trisha, Diana, and this other girl from local 16 and when everyone got drunk, they got horney which led to a lond discussion about sex. Someone mentioned that drunk sex is awesome and I agreed and Trisha was like "oh, no wonder you always say it was the best sex ever, I was wondering how you were having all of this great sex" lol. And its true for the most part i enjoy sex a lot because i usually have it when i'm drunk. But I have had some really bad sex too, it's just not worth mentioning most of the time. Anyway I decided to do a superlative list just cause I'm bored. Names will be coded of course.

So hands down, DY is the best sex ever, drunk, sober, whatever.
Best drunk sex would have to be a tie between RM and army guy #1.
Worst sex ever would have to be this 26 year old i was hooking up with when I was 19. Although C is a close second.
Worst sober sex would have to be jacob of course (no need to code that name).
Best overall hookup experience (meaning no awkwardness the next morning, no having to force myself to keep going cause i'm tired, just the right amount of kissing, and cuddling, (meaning not too much) comfortable sleeping arrangements, and good sex of course, would have to be CF surprisingly.
Shadiest would have to be shady C because not only did we do it in public places like the vollyball court, and behind the building, but he had a girlfriend, and we also did it in his girlfriend's car.
Most scandelous would have to be with that guy i met on my birthday and came home and had that semi 3 some.
One that I am most ashamed of is LB just because he's a terrible person, but we had an understanding. We both knew that the other was just about sex and would never get attached so if for some reason one of us was horny and couldn't find someone else we would go to each other.
Most shocking hookup would have to be TD since we can barely stand each other.
Most interesesting location would have to be with H on the lawn at that party with everyone watching. Although I think on the "sex bed" that was in our living room at UC with S should get some mention especially since Melissa walked in on us with her poor young virginal eyes.
Most awkward morning after experience would have to be with M after we had sex in the bathroom at that party after knowing each other all of 10 minutes and then I went home with him and didn't know where i was when i woke up naked next to a strange guy.
Most unique experience would have to be with JG when I lured him to my bed, started making out with him to wake him up and told him to put out or get out then ended up reading him excerpts from an Anne Rice book while naked, and having a really good conversation with him.
Most pathetic because he got way too attached to me was the courtesy manager at UC, he became such a nuissance calling me all the time, asking my friends where i was, only going to parties if i was there. What makes the situation more pathetic is that he was like 25 and I was only 19. (And just a side bar I also think its kind of funny that I am constantly criticizing guys my age who mess with 18 and 19 year olds when i used to be that young girl with the older guys
Most boring would have to be army guy #2.
Who I'd like to try again because i think it would be better the next time is army guy #3.
Biggest asshole afterwards would have to be M at UC.

I think that's all for the superlatives cause i can't think of anymore categories. This was fun, although it also reminded me of what a ho i am. Whatever. Nothing to be ashamed of

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