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Currently listening to: It had to be you - harry connick jr

Current Mood: lovestruck

11:45 p.m. - 09/01/2007
You're not quite the man of my dreams but still perfect for me
Last night I had the most wonderful dream about my perfect man. he was so wonderful. He was hot, he had the mysterious thing going on, he understood my depression and talked to me about it, he didn't take things too seriously, but wasn't always making jokes of everything and he didn't care what other people thought about him. he drove a motorcycle and had that badass thing going on too, which was hot. Oh and he was Austrailian and i loved his accent! So I've decided that i've been wasting my time looking for my soulmate here in the states and that I'm immediately packing up and moving to Austrailia to meet my soulmate. I'm sure he's waiting for me there. :)

Now back to reality. I think I've found my soulmate, he's definately not austrailian and he might not be perfect like the guy in my dream, but that's waht makes him interesting. As much as I didn't want to wake up this morning and leave dreamland and let my dream guy slip away, I'm glad I did because I've got a pretty great unconventional prince charming here in reality who makes me just as happy as I can be. it's funny because he probably doesn't even know just how much I actually love him, and I know he has no clue how much he has changed my life for the better, and how wonderful I think he is.

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