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10:34 a.m. - 10/05/2007
RIP Raven Night Claw
This is pretty much just some incoherent rambling about the loss of our little Raven Night Claw.
So on Monday morning around 6:30 am one of our cats, Raven, died. It was really sad because he was only 2 years old. HE had been suffering from health problems ever since he was at the humane society and never recovered. It was so sad because his turn for the worse was so sudden. One day he was just as lively as he could be bwgging for table scraps at dinner, greeting me at the door when I got home from work in the hopes that he could lick the leftover food from the can that I fed to Kitty, yelling at me if I didn't let him have any food, and scratching on the door of the cage that we fed him his special food in to let us know he was hungry and wanted to go in there. Then all of a sudden on Sunday morning he wouldn't eat (which is very rare for him because he ate anything) and he kept vomiting. WHne my mom took him to the vet they said his body temperature was really low and that most of his organs had failed. There was a small glimmer of hope if he could survive until the next day, but they told her that he would more than likely die. And the next morning I woke up to get ready for work and found him in pretty bad condition. about 10 minutes later my mom called me back downstairs to tell me that he had died. It was such a sad day, but I didn't cry then. I was trying to remain strong for my mother because she was just torn up about it. We all felt guilty with our "if only we had done something sooners" but really we did everything that we could. I went with my mom to take his body to be cremated and while we were there we ran into these women who had just lost a cat and were just as broken up as my mom was. They talked for about 45 minutes and it turne dout that like my mom these women also had a large number of cats. They started exchanging stories and tips and I think it really helped both of them. (Side note based off of some of the things that these women were saying and the knowlege I have from back when I used to dabble in spellcraft, I figured out that they were witches. Some of the stuff that they said about cats was straight out of this spell book I have) But anyway, dinner was not the same that night, and it never will be because Raven's beggin was such a normal part of dinner time.

I still hadn't cried even though I had this terrible feeling inside at the thought of not being able to see Raven again, and it was affecting me physically because I wans't able to eat anything all day. The next morning when i woke up I still felt terrible so I called my boss to tell her what happened and that I wouldn't be into work that day and when I got off of the phone with her I just started crying uncontrollably. Actually saying the words to someone kind of made it real to me I guess. I'm still pretty torn up about it.

Raven gave us so many good entertaining memories. HE had such a personality on him. I remember when he first started meowing at me to lick the can after I fed kitty. It was so adorable because it was such a loud, strong meow to be coming from this little sickly cat. And I remember how after we would finish with dinner he would jump on the table and forage through out leftovers only eating what he liked. He absolutley loved baked potatoes. I also remember when he started getting really sick so he was no longer allowed to eat table scraps, he was begging for some food from me and I told him no but I gave him a cat treat instead and he at first put it in his mouth cause he thought it was regular food, then spit it out when he realized that it was just a cat treat and continued to folow me around begging for real food. I also remember when my mom and borther were in las vegas and I was sitting down at the table for dinner and raven jumped up there begging for food (which he knows he's not allowed to do while people are eating there) I didn't make him get down instead I just told him no, and moved my chair away from the table and held my plate in my lap to eat. Raven stared at me and let out a beig meow as if to say "don't you tell me no" then when i wasn't looking he leaned out as far as he ould and managed to stuck his paw in my food so I couldn't eat any more. Then wehn i yelled at him he just meowed right back as if to say "If I can't eat it neither can you" He just had so much personality.

I also feel really bad for my baby Kaaboose because she and Raven were very close. We used to say they were bff. SHe was always looking out for him, he was one of the only cats she would share her cheese with. And Raven would even share his special microwaved food with her sometimes.
We used to joke about the fact that every morning when my mom woke up if Raven wasn't sleeping with her she would yell for Raven until he appeared looking tired and annoyed. We would say that Raven felt like the genie in Aladin and he dreamed of the day when he didn't have to say "poof what do you need" every time she called him.

But at least Raven is no longer suffering. He's finally at peace. And I hope that wehereve he is (Rainbow Bridge?) he gets to have all the tbale scraps and potatoes he wants. And then there is what those women told us at the crematorium. If you ask them to they will come back to you. It sounds stupid, but a day after our original Vessy died Precious gave birth to cat that looked exactly like the original Vessy and has her same mannerisms including her distinctive cry. And our new Leo is very close with Smokey just like the original Leo was even though this new Leo is only about 3 and Smokey is 18. And that kitten that I adopted form tallahassee and named Ginger after my old Ginger acts exactly like the original Ginger did. So maybe they do come back to you. With all the cats that have come and gone in my family I can tell you that they all have distinctive personalities so I have to believe its a little bit more than coincidence when a new kitten has the same looks and personality as a recently deceased cat. And it helps us deal with Raven's death to know that he'll find his way back to us.

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