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Currently listening to: Stick Shifts and Safety Belts - Cake

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12:03 p.m. - 10/17/2007
Catch up
I thought I'd take some time to catcvh up on all things Leandria since I haven't written in here in forever. So let's see. I'm housesitting for my aunt this week while she's in Cancun. Which is convenient for me because she's within walking distance to work. It's really weird being in her house all by myself though. She has a 4 story house and lives there all alone. I would go crazy. Just being there by myself a couple of days is already starting to drive me insane. It is a really nice house though and I would love to live in a house like that someday, just not by myself. Although living by my self would have some perks. I walk around naked a lot.

Next Thursday I'm going down to Tampa to visit the love of my life. I'm staying for 10 days this time, so that should be fun, or we could drive each other crazy. I'm hoping for the first option. I really wish we weren't so far away form each other and that we could have a real relationship. I really fear that I'll never be able to love anyone else the way that I lo ve him and that he and I will never be able to be together because of the distance.

Moving on, this past weekend I hung out with Joe and became a major dork. Friday night we stayed up until about 5 am playing multiplayer civs on the computer. Then on Saturday we wnt to the Museum of Natural history, dinner, and then when we got home we were supposed to have another game of multiplayer civs, this time with Tristen, but both Joe and tristen were having issues with theri computers so we couldn't. I did however spend over an hour on the phone with the two of them listening to them talk dorky computer stuff and it was funny because ti made me feel better about my dorkiness considering they were way worse than me. Sunday Joe called casue he got his working so he and I spend all of Sunday playing. My game sucked though so I want to start a new one.
Let's rewind back to the museum. I really enjoyed myself because I was with someone who had a genuine interest in learning and seeing all the exhibits. It was nice to be able to have intellignet conversations about the exhibits and express our own intellectual opinions as to why certain things in history that are only theorized about happened. That is one thing I absolutely love about hanging out with Joe. He has a thirst for knowledge similar, if not greater than my own.

Now let's rewind back to the previous weekend. Friday night was pretty crazy. Fist I got off of work early because of the holiday weekend so I went to Joe's apt when I got off. We hung out for a little while then went to eat dinner at this restaurant in Friendship Heights. After dinner while a little buzzed, Joe suggested that we go into t nhe bookstore and have coffee and read cause that's what liberals like me like to do, lol. So we did and it was fun. We were t here for a couple of hours. I got halfway through The Quickie by James Patterson and Joe browsed a book called WEAPON and another called WARRIOR. After that he dropped me off at JRs where I met up with Andre and get this Richard. I haven't seen Richard in forever, well since he worked at the strip club whihc actually wans't that long ago but it seems like forever. But I haven't had the chance to actually hang out with him because when we would go to the strip club he'd be working. SO yeah that was fun. We moved to colbalt after a while where Andre met up with this hot army guy that he had met a few weeks ago. Andre made out with hot army guy on the stage and I hung out with Richard. Then the drama starts. Richard needs to leave so he asks andre for his keys to get his stuff out of the car. HE brings them back but somehow ANdre loses them. SO Andre and i get stranded in downtown DC for several hours cause we have no car keys. A tow truck finally picked us up and took us to his house at like 6 am. It really sucked because I really wanted to go home, I ahte sleeping in unfamiliar places.

Last Wednesday Joe came over to load a game onto my computer and we hung out and drank wine for a few hours so that was fun. I don't know how he made it home without passing out considering he was so tuired that he passed out while he was still at my place. I think my mom is starting to feel like she has another child though because he comes over and has dinner with us, and they talk at work, and when he does come to my house he doesn't just hang out with me, he makes it a family thing. He'll spend some time talking to my mom and even some time talking to my brother.

LEt's see, oh the GLT season is almost over so soon I won't be working at the zoo anymore. The mother, Laranja is pregnant again adn looks like she's gonna have them any day. Their tails have faded so much so it's really ahrd to tell who is who. They are so adorable, I'm gonna miss watching them. Though lately they're behavior has been really unpredictable and nervewracking with them entereing the exhibits of other animals. Hopefully I'll be able to get on another behavior watch though, but right now they are all full. I would love to do the clouded leopard or fishing cat.

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