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Currently listening to: makes me wonder - marroon 5

Current Mood: brokenhearted

1:46 a.m. - 10/31/2007
give me something to believe, cause I don't believe in you anymore...
So Surprise surprise he's not back and hour after he said he would be back. If tis was the case he could have gone oput with me on all those nights. It's jhust not fair. And I feel like James is draggin me into his sitauaiton. Because he knows I'm here so why would he invite Duffie out tongiht? It just really sucks cause I know no one will ever love him as much as I do and that I'll never love anyone like I love him. I wish i cold just go to sleep but I cna't cause I'm so upset. Why does he always make me feel this way?

He's the only one who can meake me feel this way. Remem ber that dark time back at marymoutn when I was so upset I almost ended it all. Guess who was the straw that broke the cmael's back? Duffie! Why do I allow him to keep doing this to me?
I feel like blood mght make the situattion feel better but I'm using all the strenght I have in me to resit that. But the fact thatn he can make me feel that way after something so minor is upsetting. I just feel like such a dumbass for believeing him and for spending so much money to come down and visit him. I just wish he would get home. And of course he's not even responding to my tect messages or phone calls. How can he say he loves me and hurt me so mcuh?

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