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Currently listening to: Meat is Murder - The Smiths

Current Mood: annoyed

11:33 a.m. - 11/07/2007
KFC protest
Why don't I have any animal activist friends in DC? It kind of sucks. There's this KFC protest on Saturday that I want to go to, but I won't know anyone. So it would be nice if I could bring someone to it with me. But who? Unfortunately all of my friends in DC are animal killing carnivores. Maybe I'll be able to con my mom or brother into going. They may be animal killing carnivores, but they are somewhat sympathetic, as shown by the fact that my mother never cooks real meat in our house. And even when they do eat out they never go to KFC after all the stuff I've told them about that place. Well whether or not I have someone to go with or not I'm gonna go anyway so that I can branch out and make some new friends in DC who aren't animal killing carnivores.

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