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Currently listening to: A sentence of sorts in kongsvinger - Of Montreal

Current Mood: ambitious

11:04 a.m. - 11/09/2007
Pre Holiday season resolutions
So I talked to Andre this morning and he gave me this list of goals that he plans to accomplish before Christmas which motivated me to create my own list of gaols. I'm all about self improvement. So first of all I'm going to drop about 3 pants sizes to get back to where I should be. Second, I'm gonna refreesh my knowledge of Italian. There is no reason why after taking conversational italian and getting an A in it, I shouldn't be able to speak it fluently. And I'm going to have started my next set of lessons for my vet tech program (which means finishing the ones I'm slacking on now). Oh and completely finish my Wildlife Conservation certificate. I hope to start my first practicum by March at the latest. It wouldn't be too bad, but I feel like these proctored final exams are gonna kill me.

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