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Current Mood: tired

8:13 a.m. - 11/30/2007
What I should be doing with my life
So have I mentioned how much I hate my job. I wish I was already done with my preliminary schooling so I could get a job as a vet tech or wildlife manager. Learning about all the stuff that a wildlife manager does in my classes sounds like such a fun job I would love to have. No sitting in an office all day bored out of my mind. How awesome would it be to actually be out there improving natural habitats for wildlife or doing reserach studies on endangered species? Or even working at a vet's office being able to be around animals all day and knowing that you've helped them. I think my ideal job would be to work as a vet tech in a zoo or conservation center or soemthing. But for now I'm stuck at HUD helping people not animals. And I don't even like people! lol.

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