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Currently listening to: A sentence of sorts in kongsvinger - Of Montreal

Current Mood: annoyed

9:03 a.m. - 12/18/2007
I am Legend
So this weekend I went to see "I am Legend" with Joe and let me tell you it was very very disappointing. I read the novella that the movie was based on and it had to be one of the best vampire stories I had ever read. It kind of took a scientific approach to explaining vampirism, which I thought was pretty cool. Instead of being this mythical devilish condition it was a bacterial infection. In addition to that I also enjoyed it because it made you think about waht exactly it means to be human and what it means to be 'normal'. It questioned the standards by which normalcy are measured which I really liked. And I thought the ending was absolutely amazing. I won't discuss it because I suggest that everyone reading this go out and read the story. It's a novella so its only about 100 pages. I read it in a couple of hours. It's by Richard Matheson and it has the same title "I am Legend"
Although the movie decided to use the same title, it was nothing like the book. It took more than a few liberties with the story. I'd say the only things that were the same were the theme of lonliness and the fact that Robert Neville was the last man alive. The setting was differnt, the character of Robert Neville was different, it really didn't focus on vampires at all and the ending was completely different which made the movie suck in my opinion. I feel like the ending of the story can be considered a bit controversial so the ending of the movie was a typical Hollywood sellout where they changed it to have a happy go lucky ending with a message of hope.
Those of you who have seen the movie and are thinking that it was great and that I have no idea what I'm talking about, I urge you to read the book! You will then understand fully what I mean.

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