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10:29 a.m. - 01/07/2008
People who let power go to their head
Okay, this job is starting to not be worth the stress it causes me since one of my coworkers recently got promoted to be the deputy director of the office. First of all let me say he suck as a leader. He was a great coworker but he's letting the power go to his head or soemthing. As far as I knew it was standard to call in to my team leader when I was going to be out sick, not to the director, considering the fact that I hardly ever work with him. But apparently that was wrong. He got an attitude about the fact that I was out on Friday sick and he didn't know. Common sense would have told the dumbass to ask my team leader or the people I was currently working on assignments for, considering the fact that he used to be a part of my team and thats what he used to do also.
He doesn't appreciate all of the hard work that I do for the office like my other supervisors do. He thinks its okay to give someone at my GS level the work of someone at a 15 without showing any gratitude or appreciation. And without granting the leniency that most people do considering the fact that I who have only been working here full time for a year and who gets paid half the amount that my coworkers get paid is doing work that people who have been working there for years cannot do. I know that Regina, and Virginia, and Jennefer are still looking out for me and appreciate all of my hard work, but I definately don't think I'll be renewing my appointment next year. I'm starting to hate this place. If I hadn't just signed a lease for a new apartment I'd probably quit now and just take my chances at finding something vet related. Let that jerkoff see how much office production slows when I'm not around to do everyone else's job for them.

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