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1:44 p.m. - 01/15/2008
What they don't know about me
Sometimes I amaze myself with my ability to lie. It's crazy. The people who I work with have no idea who I really am. Okay, I guess they have a small idea because I portray myself to them as the person I want to be. They see perfect Leandria. But they would be amazed if they knew real Leandria. I decided to list some things about me that my coworkers would be shocked amazed and astonished to find out about me.
1)That I was diagnosed with Boderline personality disorder
2)That that diagnosis was made when I was hospitalized for trying to kill myself (btw I wasn't really trying to kill myself)
3)I have suffered from major depressive episodes for over 10 years
4)That I have had sex with more than 20 people
5)That I flunked out of FSU...twice (obviously I was readmitted both times, because of that depression they don't know about)
6)I spend my weekends getting drunk
7)I smoke
8)I had to get a restraining order against my ex boyfriend
9)I have had sex with married men before and men with girlfriends
10)Sometimes when work gets overwhelming I go into the bathroom and cry
11)More people than I can count or that I even know have naked pictures of me
12)I was in a burlesque show
13)I got in trouble with the law for using a fake id
14)I'm extremely manipulative

And that's just to name a few. There are sooo many more things about me that these epople don't know it's crazy.

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