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Current Mood: sad

5:47 p.m. - 01/31/2008
My last day
So here I am on my last day in tampa. It's so sad. I leave to go back to DC tomorrow. This has seriously been an awesome trip. We haven't even done anything, but it was really nice. I feel kind of bad that I didn't hang out wiht Tiffany, but I had so much fun just spending time with Duffie. We drank the night I came in and finished a handle of vodka between the 2 of us, so naturally i got black out drunk. Unfortunately I also broke his laptop, but i gave him $250 to get a new one. Anyway, the next 2 days we didn't even drink. we just stayed in bed watching movies and tv for the most part, which was really nice. Then Monday night we got another handle of vodka and got drunk and again finished it all. Apparently I fucked up that night though. We were aboput to have sex and apparently I started talking about my ex. So that sucked, but again I don't remember so its not my fault.
But anyway he didn't take it that seriously so thats fine.
Anyway, so I'm sad about the fact that I leave tomorrow. I love him so much and I really want to spend more time with him, but oh well. I still have faith that eventually we will be together. So yeah tonight we're porbably gonna get drunk and have sex again so I can't wait.

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