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Currently listening to: Loose Lips -Kimya Dawson

Current Mood: Happy

9:08 a.m. - 04/16/2008
A shocking turn of events
So in a shocking turn of events, I think I can actually say that I am happy right now. Nothing big or life changing has happened to cause tihs change. I guess its just a lot of little things. Yeah, sure I still hate my job at HUD, but it's not bringing down my mood anymore. Yeah, sure Duffie still likes to play games with my emotions, but those games don't affect me anymore. Yeah, sure the world still sucks in general, but generalized discontent isn't going to do anything about it.

I often answer the question "why are you so negative and depressed all the time" by saying "because I'm smart." lol. "What person in their right mind could be happy when we live in such a horrible world" So I guess I've lost a few iq points lol because I am happy. Okay, actually happy is a strong word. Right now, at this moment I am happy. Generally though, I'm not discontent anymore. (Now lets see how long this lasts lol)

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