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Currently listening to: O.A.R. - That was a crazy game of poker

Current Mood: exhausted

10:36 a.m. - 04/21/2008
Weekend Partying and catching up with old friends
First things first, I've got to stop doing stupid things when I'm drunk.

Now that that's said, I had a fun weekend catching up with some old friends. On Friday Toyin came over with Kate and Trisha and we all got trashed off of beer, wine and vodka. It was fun hanging out with her again since I literally haven't seen her since sophomore year of HS. I think Kate and I might have traumatized her with our tales of our wild drunken experiences. But we all had a great time. I woke up with a killer hangver though.

Saturday I spent all day recovering and was planning on not doing anything that night, just staying home talking to Zack, catching up on my soaps, and perhaps having a glass of wine or two. But of course that didn't happen. Andre convinced me to go help him with his tire situation at around 10. At one point I was in stephanie's care for about 15 minutes and it was really awkward. But anyway, so once the tire thing is taken care of, hope of having a quiet night at home has been ruined. We ended up hanging out with Royce, who I haven't seen in a few months, and Jason Portlance, who I haven't seen since HS. It was a lot of fun, and I got super trashed and might have partaken in some mildly questionable activities with one of those friends. Hence the "stop doing stupid stuff when you're drunk." I also got an awesome back massage and got told I had a nice ass (a complement I never get since attention is always focused on my boobs lol) But anyway, all in all it was a fun night.

Sunday was 4/20 so i spent the day with Kate smoking out of the hookah in my living room watching movies. Fun times as always. So thats the summary of my weekend of getting trashed and catching up with old friends.

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