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12:49 p.m. - 05/29/2008
Panda Pregnancy Watch Begins
So, it's official. I am now a Panda Pregnancy watcher. I have my first shift on 6/13 from 1-4. I must say I am a little nervous about it since this watch involves working with cameras and recording any significant behavior, and we don't have partners, but I'm sure I'll be great at it. Something I noticed at the meeting last night was that I was the youngest watcher there. It appears that the retired people who want to add a little bit of excitement to their days dominate this watch, as opposed to the students trying to gain experience to further their careers. I must admit Pandas are not nearly as exicitng to me as the lions and tigers, and although they are absolutely adorable, I never got what the big deal about them was. The little red panda, that no one really pays much attention to: sooo much cuter. But even so I am very excited about this watch. It will be so awesome if Mei Xiang actually is pregnant and ends up having a cub and I'm there to watch.

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