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12:04 p.m. - 06/06/2008
Thank god it was only a dream (nightmare, rather)
So last night or rather this morning when I went back to sleep after my first alarm went off at 5, I had this crazy nightmare. I don't really remember much of the details about it, just that it was really scary and it felt real and I thought I was going to die. So there was this group of crazy psychopath guys and they were kidnapping girls and brutally raping and murdering them and somehow I became one of their victims. I don't remember how, but it had somehting to do with a bus driver and a swimming pool? Who knows. Oh and a movie theatre too, Regal Rockville to be exact. I don't know how those things fit together to equal me being captured by the murderers but anyway. So it was me and about 10 other girls, and out of the 10 they were going to select 5 that would be tortured, raped and murdered and 5 they would let go. And I was thinking okay, bad things don't happen to me, I'm going to be let go. But of course I wasn't. It was terrifying, I think they had plyers to pull out teeth. A blow torch for burning, lots of sharp and dull knives for cutting and causing different levels of pain, acid, and lots of other crazy stuff to torture us with. I remember being so scared and feeling so hopeless, and just wishing I would die already so I wouldn't be tortured anymore. But then, I think maybe before I actually got tortured this other group of guys, (my friends maybe? although none of them looked familiar) came to save me. but it wasn't an easy escape. And I only remember one other girl being rescued with me which means the other 3 girls were probably dead. I remember climbing out of beuilding windows, but the buildings were sideways. And seeing the psycho guys hanging out smoking cigarrettes by an indoor pool. Oh which reminds me they also burned us with cigarrettes while raping us. I remember almost getting caught by them because one of them saw us, but one of the guys that save d us silentely murdered that guy before the others could notice. Then I remember being chased by them. And hiding, and then getting on a bus and trying to explain to the driver what was going on but he turned out to be one of them. And then I was about to get caught again, and I knew for sure I was about to be killed, and then I woke up. It was absolutely insane! I really felt like I was going to die. It was so terrifying. i don't even know what caused it. I wasn't watching anything scary and haven't seen or read anything scary recently. Maybe its a sign that I shoudn't ignore my alarm clock anymore.

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