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Current Mood: annoyed

10:43 a.m. - 07/31/2008
I didn't know men got PMS and hotflashes
i get so sick of Andre sometimes. His little moodswings are worse than a girl wiht a bad case of PMS. So he's had this little attitude since Tuesday Monday night because I told him that my bed time is 10 and just because he doesn't leave for work until later now does not mean that I should have to sleep with the apartment freezing. I agreed to stop turning the air off when I got home from work since that was his sleep time so he should show me the same consideration and allow me to sleep in piece which begins at 10. I shouldn't have to stay up til 11:30 when he leaves for work to make sure that the air is off when I have to wake up at 5. it's just not fair. And now he had this attitude. It's bad enough that our frickin electirc bill is $300 because of his stupid hot flashes. And that I have to pay half of that when I don't like having the air on because of my low blood pressure, I freeze to death with it on. I have to close my vent and open both of my windows and close my bedroom door, and I still get cold. you'd think we'd be able to compromise and keep it at like 78 like normal people, but no, andre wants it at 70 at all times. And not only do I have to freeze to death, but I also have to pay for it. And now he gets an attitude over me wanted to at least be able to fall asleep at a decent time without freezing to death. he's such a fuckin asshole sometimes. As far as Im concerned he can go screw himself.

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