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11:04 p.m. - 06/05/2009
Weekend drinking is a must
One way in which I insist on fighting this whole aging thing is by keeping true to the rule that I have to do somehting that involves drinking every Friday and Saturday night. Unfortunately for me, my friends in DC are very limited, and as a result, I find myself at home alone on weekends more often than I'd like. Andre falls asleep, Kate gets drunk close to home, Trisha only wants to go out in DC, Stephanie is being a bum per usual and doesnt want to leave the house, and where does that leave me?? At home on a friday night all alone.

Yet another reason why I cna't wait to move back to Florida. I'd never ever have this problem with Michelle or Kersten. Not only that, but with Michelle and Kersten I wouldnt have to wait until the weekend to have fun. We do fun stuff all the time (and no it doesnt always involve drinking). I feel like here throughout the week, I'm stuck in this governement robot mode, which is why i'm always so excited to let loose on the weekends and when it doesnt happen, it's very depressing. I've got to get the hell out of this horrible city and get back to my friends who think the way I do.

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