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1:46 p.m. - 06/22/2006
What's with the Fricken 20 year olds?
What the hell is it with these 20 year olds. I swear. Why the hell are guys my age interested in these babies who aren't even old enough to drink yet. And when I say 20 I don't mean they'll be 21 sometime this year I mean sometime this year they just turned 20. It's driving me crazy! First jacob, and now this other guy I've been talking to. I mean really, you're about to graduate college, start a carreer, maybe go to grad school, and they haven't even picked their majors yet!
Michelle suggested that it's because they're young, naive and stupid, and are willing to put up with the guy's lies and bullshit, whereas an intelligent woman their own age will call them out on it. And maybe that's true. I mean both Jacob and this other guy lied about their realtionships with the babies and were trying to be with me while they had the 20 year old on the side. But I won't have any of it. I was suspicious about this other guy, but the way he ditched her, and avoided her in certain things made me think it was nothing between them, well apparentyl he made her think otherwise. She thinks they're in a loving, exclusive relationship.
Guys are such jerks! When will they realize that lying is not good, adn just blows up in your face. I have a good mind to tell this girl what he has been doing with me behind her back becasue I'm sure she doesn't know.
Or maybe she does know and she's like jacob's little skank was where she has so little self respect for herself that she's willing to keep thier relationship a secret, in the shadows, so that he can go out and fuck around with whoever he wants to without them thinking he's attached. It seriously blows my mind. If I'm with someone everyone is goign to know that he is my man. I'm not gonna stand for that secretive bullshit. becasue there's a reason he wants to keep it a secret. Wake up ladies! Open your eyes! HE'S ASHAMED of YOU!!!!!!
Don't stand for it!
It really pisses me off. The only reason they're goign for these girls is becasue they're young and stupid. GRRR It's so frustrating. And the only reason these girls are standing for their bullshit is because they think its cool to be dating an older guy and they can buy them alcohol.
I have my own little 20 year old on the side that I could have if I wanted, but I don't want him! He's a baby, and that's gross. Maybe I'd hook up with him one day if I was really drunk and bored, but I'd have to be really really really drunk. Why don't the guys see it like that?
Seriously. What do you really have in common wiht someone that young? And why start a relationship with someone that young at your age? You guys are gonna want different things!
I'm so frustrated!
I wish there was a law that said 20 year old girls couldn't date 23 year old guys. I swear, I'm only 23 and I feel like I'm being ditched for younger women already!

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