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1:45 p.m. - 06/16/2006
Violence yet again
So here we are again.
Things always end the same, but never quite end at all. Violence really isn't the answer but for some reason it keeps becoming our solution. And now that I think of it he's right. I do like the violence. If it wasn't with him, then I'd go and do it to myself. I feel like I sound like a battered wife. But don't worry, I'm not. It's not what you think.
Why can't this whole stupid thing be resolved? I feel like I'm in the middle of a war and Jacob's the prize. And I'm not gonna give in. I'm gonna fight until the end. Fight until it kills me becasue I can't let her win. She doesn't deserve him. She's just a little girl with a crush on the older guy, and she needs to get over it. Yeah we called a truce or something like that, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna stop fighting for him.
He says he won't date her. I hope he's not lying. He does it so well now I don't know when to believe him

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