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11:38 a.m. - 06/29/2006
divine interevention i think, and other stuff
I really think God works in mysterious ways and is really looking out for me.
So yesterday I was having lunch with Jacob and we got into a huge fight about what else? The skank. And why he allows her to talk shit about me, and why he tells her stuff that's none of her business. So it gets pretty heated, I come home, he goes to work, and I am just getting angrier and angrier, I'm boiling over. I have a knife in my hand pressed against my wrist so hard I actaully still have the imprint there, I'm about to slice when there's a knock on the door. I assume its jacob becasue I have his key, so I run to my room hide the knife then open the door.
And to my surprise it's Danny and Joe.
I haven't seen then in a while and it just makes me so happy. They jsut stopped over to say hi. Joe made me a whiskey drink and we hung out talking for a little while. I told them about all the drama that took place on Friday night with the DUI and my black eye. In a way when I tell people i want them to do soemthing to Jacob for punching me in the face like that, but then I feel bad so I water the story down a bit when I see the anger building up inside of them over the fact that he hit me like that. They noticed the other bruises too. He deserves to be arrested, or beat up himself, but I can't do that to him.
But anyway i digress. We hung out here for a while then went to MoMos where they both ate 2 slices of pizza. What pigs. By the time we got back I felt much better and had forgotten all about the argument and wanting to hurt myself.
Anyway, when I got home Michelle was here, so I hung out with her for a little while then joe came back over and the 3 of is hung out. I love hanging out wiht Joe, he's so much fun. I really wish we still did more often like we used to.
Me and Michelle hung out more after he left, Will cooked for us, Michelle talked about her soulmate, you know typical wednesday ngith.
This morning sucked though. I read all the text messages that Jacob and that skank have been sending to each other. Seriosuly, don't tell me you're done with her if you're meeting up with her secretly and talking to her secretly. Secrets always always always come out. Especially when they're being kept form me.
I will not be lied to. Lie to her all you want she has no self respect and will stand for it becasue she's stupid young and naive, but I will not.
I realize that since you've been involved with her you've gotten away with things and you think you can get away with anything, but I am not her. I have not changed. I am still a no bullshit kind of girl so don't play the stupid little games you play with that young skank with me. I'm not a stupid littel 20 year old with a stupid little crush on you who'll let you get away with murder.
I kind of hope soemthing does happen with the 2 of them so she can get her heart shredded. Becasue no matter what I will always always come first when it comes to jacob. Maybe the only way she'll be able to see that is if they do date and she gets burned. She deserves that after all the shit she's caused these past few months. And she deserves it if she is so stupid she's willing to put up with his lies.

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