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11:37 a.m. - 7/1/2006
i don't wanna go!
I'm really sad. I don't want to go. I want to stay here. I'm going to hate DC. I'm goign to lose my mind wondering wahts going on in my absence. Thinking about all the fun I'm missing out on. Being there won't take my mind off of things,it'll make it worse.
So here it is my last night in tallahassee and I'm sitting here bored off my ass. Michelle's passed out on the couch, Will's doing film school stuff, and jacob is at work and thinking of goign out w/ his friends afterwards. Waht a jackass. It's our last night together b/c he'll be moved out when I get back and he doesn't even care. He's probably goign to be with her. But here I am obsessing again and I promised myself I'd stop so I will.
I just feel like crying right now though. I'm so overwhelmed and I don't know what to do. I don't want to finish packing but I have to. I want to be having fun w/ my friends right now but they don't want to. I hate this. I feel so alone and I shouldn't. I know i'm being unreasonably needy. I hate being that way but I can't help it.
I hope the near fututre brings me peace of mind. I hope I find my prince in DC to rescue me. But thats highly unlikely. I'm pretty sure he's here, and he's trying to break down the wall and rescue me but he's unsuccessful thus far and me leaving is only goign to set him back even more.
Well i guess I should go pack and try to wake up that sleeping bum on my couch

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