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11:39 a.m. - 07/10/2006
You know what I've realized from this whole experience? Life is way too short to sit on your feelings and not fight for what you want, and to live with regrets. So firstly I'm goign to fight for what I want, I've been fighting but I'm gonna keep fighting for it.
Next I'm gonna actually tell Mr.Wonderful just how wonderful I think he is. Hopefully it won't ruin our freindship and there'll be no weirdness, but theres no point in keeping it a secret.
And finally, I'm gonna stop living wiht regrets. No more I should have done this. I'm goign to focus on what I'm goign to do now.
I'm also not putting up with any bullshit from anyone anymore. I will not be walked all over. Friendly warning: If you treat me like crap then your life wil become a living hell. I won't stand for this shit anymore. I'm coming back with avengence. Stay on my good side or you will be destroyed. (evil laugh)

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