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1:40 p.m. - 06/3/2006
skanks are dumb
Skanks are so stupid.
She really thinks that Jacob is goign to be her friend over the next month. I told him no and he agreed. If he "loved" you or whatever the hell it is that you 2 think you have then he wouldn't give you up for me. But he is. So I guess you're just really not that important.
So excited about an IM from him? Wow! I had like a 2 hour conversation with him last night when he called me to tell me about his new phone.
Yay! Yay! Yay! I'm so excited! I don't have to worry about that stupid bitch anymore!
Do yourself a favor skank and take this time to find someone new because as long as I'm around, and like it or not I will be around a hell of a lot longer than you will, you and Jacob will never be happy together. I won't allow it. You don't deserve it.
I hope this teaches you a lesson. Never cross me. I have the power to make your life miserable. And I hope it teaches you some self respect and in the future you learn not to fal in love with guys who can't love you back because they're still in love with someone else. And that you learn the difference between someone loving you and using you becasue you're the only girl who'll give him attention.

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