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1:09 p.m. - 04/15/2006
Stick a fork in me....I'm Done...
I think I'm done with all this JAcob drama.
I spoke with "the other woman," and I got her side of the story, and it really seems that it was Jacob that i should have been hating all along. Not her. I feel bad for taking this all out on her. I feel worse for allowing Jacob to do this to me.
Obviously, I'm not goign to be completely done with himn because of our history, but my like for him has decreased a great deal.
I'm really glad that she and I got to talk this out in a civil manner. I think it was so stupid for us to fight over Jacob of all people. I can't tell you the weight that has been lifted off of my shoulder now that I know that I don't have to worry about them hanging ot together, and that I never really did. I hate that I allowed jacob to put all these feelings of doubt and mistrust in my mind about her, when it was really him that I should have had those feelings towards.
How could he lie to both of us like that? He's really not the man that I thought he was. But unfotunately only time is going to make me get over him 100%. I mean I know from past experience with my last boyfriend that with a relationship that lasted that long, no matter how much of a jerk(and I think the last one was a bigger jerk becasue he cheated on me after 2 years) the guy is, only time will allow you to move forward.
Jacob really is a good guy deep down inside, I just wish he wouldn't lie so much. Had he been honest all along then none of this stupid drama would have occurred

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