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11:41 a.m. - 07/21/2006
hmmm....I think it might really work
Believe it or not my whole positive energy thing and the basis behind it actually appears to be working. I got some very hopeful news yesterday, when I wasn't expecting anything. Which just goes to show patience does pay off sometimes.
But now I'm super excited about it so I'm gonna do even more. I really think it will work. I think I might have finally "found" myself. Whatever that means.
Secrets and lies Secrets and lies why are there always so many of them in my life? Is it ever really right to keep something from someone even if it will hurt them to know the truth? I personally don't think so b/c it will hurt them more when the truth comes out. But do whatever you want for now I guess, soon the truth will come out haven't you learned that in all of your experience? At least I'm not the one you're lying to anymore, or am I? I really don't know maybe I am, but I think you know better than to do that to me. Just know I'm not one to be put to the side when I'm involved with someone I don't go for the sneaking around. I'm better than that. If I'm with someone I want the world to know. If you love someone you should want the world to know. You should be able to admit it to anyone. Newsflash: If you have to hesistate when asked then you don't love that person. But yeah I'm very much unlike some people who don't care about being the person you're sneaking around with, but let's not even go there, it'll ruin the postive energy.
I just hope this all works out for me. I hope I'm not kidding myself on any of it. But it feels right doesn't it? If it didn't we wouldn't gravitate towards each other the way we do. SOme universal force keeps pulling us towards each other, pushing us together, and its about time we just went with the flow.
I'd like to end today by saying that Kersten is the best friend ever. She is one of the very few people in the world who really gets me and knows exactly the right thing to say to me. I guess 'casue we're so much alike. That message i got from you made me feel better on so many levels about my whole situation I think b/c you know me so well you knew the right way to talk about it without making me feel weird or reminding me of how bad everything is. You just remindined me that ultimately the choice is up to me and no one else.

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