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1:20 p.m. - 05/21/2006
What a lying Jackass
I am so pissed off. I am awakened this morning by Jacob kissing me and trying to pull off my clothes. So we have sex, and then afterwards I ask for some honesty and I find out that he has been lying to me about everything. He told me he was done with that stupid skank. But apparently he wasn't. apparently he's been hooking up with her and doing nice things for her all along. What a lying jerk off. I hate him. I can't believe I was so stupid and let him use me like that. I can't believe that he could look me right in the eyes and lie to me like that. i specifically asked him waht was goign on with them, and he said nothing. Last time I checked, kissing wasn't nothing.
Oh and why did he do it? Becasue when he's with me and we're not fighting he remembers all the good times we shared and misses that. What the fuck ever. Oh and he would never sleep with anyone other than me becasue I'm special and he doesn't do that with anyone. Yeah right. I bet if that stupid skank wanted to he would jump at the chance. Why? Because he's just like every other guy. A lying user who's only out for himself.

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