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1:20 p.m. - 05/20/2006
I'm trying
So I'm really getting sick of feeling this way.
And I'm really really trying my best not to. It's just really hard.
But kersten is right, this is not me. I am a "STRONG, CONFIDENT, SEXY, CREATIVE, BRILLIANT, NO STRINGS ATTACHED, AWESOME WOMAN." (I love you kersten) And I shouldn't be letting this happen. I did break up with him. I wanted this. He begged me not to end it but I did anyway. I need to stop focusing on my potential lonliness and start focusing on living my life the best I can.
It's his lost. I'm the best thing he ever had. And I really shouldn't be worried about that skank anymore. She's a stupid ugly bitch with a really bad weave. And what the hell was up with that comment she posted on his wall last night. Something about how he needs to stop doing things to spare other people's feelings and go after what he wants. Well I hope she doesn't think he wants her because he doesn't. Stupid bitch. It would make me so happy to beat some sense into her. Sorry Kersten, I had to get a little more skank bashing out since I'm not going to do it anymore. But anyway. I know this is not goign to be easy, but I really am goign to try. I know that trying will be better for everyone. And it will better my situation. I'm goign to try to fight my psychotic urges. If not for anything else, for my own mental stability.

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