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1:42 p.m. - 06/6/2006
Move on skank
Ding dong the skank is dead.
Well not really, that would be too good to be true. But at least she's out of jacob's life for the time being, or so he says. And if I find out he's lying he knows there will be hell to pay.
But anyway since getting rid of the skank he and I have had a great relationship. Sleeping together, cuddling, being playful with each other. Its just like old times, only better. Well better in some aspects at least, not so better in others.
I don't know why she's so desperate for Jacob that she can't just accept teh fact that he chose me over her and move on with her skanky life. Find some other girl's boyfriend to try to steal. Or some other girl's girlfriend for that matter, whatever the poor confused girl is in the mood for today.
She's being really selfish. If she really cared about jacob and loved him like she claims she did then she wouldn't be interefering in his life in a way that could ruin it like she is. She would just cut her losses and move on with her life.
She needs to realize that seh is everything Jacob does not want and that the only reason he was with her is for lack of options. She needs to take her ugly face, her cheap weave, her body peircings, and her sexual preferences and find someone who isn't disgusted by them.

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