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1:30 p.m. - 05/29/2006
To Lie to Preserve a Relationship?
I'm really getting annoyed by guys. So I know something and if I tell it I could upset someone who I care about even though he has hurt me in the past. But if I don't tell it then he gets away with being a lier and being manipulative and hurting people who don't deserve it. Should I allow him to get his way and have a relationship with him, or should I be honest and risk losing the relationship.
I hate secrets. I want to scream them out to the world, becasue the world deserves to know. Especially when the secrets have an impact on the lives of other people.
Why should you be able to get away with this? Am I really that desperate that I'm gogin to allow you to? Am I really just going to sit back and let you continue to do this. Continue to lie and hurt me and others.
I wish I ddin't give in so easily. An I'm sorry, makes me forgive even if the I'm sorry is insincere.
I wish you didn't have this power over me. This power that makes me do anythign just to be a part of your life. I really want you, but the lies are ripping my heart apart. The secrecy is more than I can handle. Why be ashamed of me? Wahts so wrong with me?

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