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1:29 p.m. - 05/29/2006
Stop Caring Lea!!!!!
I hate feeling the way I do. I hate caring. I hate that after all the shit jacob has done I still care and give him the ability to hurt me.
No matter what better things I have going on in my life I always go back to caring about him. So waht if he's a lier. So waht if he never cared about me. So waht if I wasn't good enough for him to want to give up being single for, but good enough to be his fuck buddy. For some reason after all the emotional turmoil he has put me through I still care about how he feels and hate seeing him unhappy. He deserves it and brought it on himself, but I can't help but feel bad.
He's such a jerk. You know he still blames me for the whole situation becasue I was supposed to keep our sex a secret and I didn't. Sorry I was content to be something you were ashamed of. Sorry I wasn;t ookay having sex with you when you were dating someone else.
You say we can be friends but as such we're not allowdd to talk about anything that may be on our minds becasue it might upset you. Well keeping it in and pretending things are okay upsets me.
You say I'm being a jealous ex girlfriend, but its not even about that anymroe. You lied, face the consequences. Don't put it off on me. I didn't lie. I did nothing but tell the truth.
Then you have the nerve to criticize other decesions I make. He's not good enough for me. He's a abd person. Well no matter what he did to me in the past, he never made me cry and hurt as much as you have. He made mistakes, but yours were worse. Its not settling, its taking a chance with someone who used to make me happy. Who still makes me smile.

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