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1:33 p.m. - 05/31/2006
Anger and Rage
I'm so angry!
I don't know why just hearing that he is in her presence sends me into a fit of rage! He should be here with me. Not with her! He should be here with me talking about what we are going to do. I hope he tells her. And I hope when he tells her she realizes finally that it is best to just leave him alone. I mean really what kind of girl has so littel self respect for herself that she allows the person she's dating to sleep with his ex? To be so involved in the life of his ex? If she has as many guys wanting her as she claims there's no way she'd be so desperate for him. Damn him! Damn her! I hate them both. I hope they get hit by cars or something and fired from their jobs for fraternizing.
If she knows and doesn't care then that just shows what a horrible person she is, and how stupid I was to think that she wasn't for that brief period. If she ends up getting hurt its her own fault. She deserves it.
And anything that hurts him he brought on himself. I didn't do anything to him. He did it to me and brought it on himself. Waht a selfish jackass. Oh and apparently he feels he's "stuck with me." What bullshit. Please jackass don't do me any favors. You're the one that allowed yourself to get involved. I said forget about it.
Damn it I wish they would jsut stay away from each other. This anger and stress can't be good for me.

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